Excerpts from the Book of Entropy @ TeodoraART Gallery, Toronto | SEP 6 – OCT 4

The artist Eugen-Florin Zamfirescu invites you to his photography exhibition “Excerpts from the Book of Entropy” – a journey between realistic depiction and dreamy illusion – at TeodoraART Gallery from September 6 to October 4.

The artist Eugen-Florin Zamfirescu invites you to his photography exhibition “Excerpts from the Book of Entropy” – a journey between realistic depiction and dreamy illusion – at TeodoraART Gallery from September 6 to October 4. Using texture, light, colour, and contrast between certainty and uncertainty the artist attempts to capture the effects of Entropy, as well as reveal the inner beauty of his subjects and catch their elusive equilibrium.

Excerpts from the Book of Entropy – Photography Exhibit
September 6th – October 4th, 2014 (Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm)

Excerpts from the Book of Entropy – Opening
Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 2 – 6 PM

TeodoraART Gallery
214 Avenue Road, Toronto

To my way of thinking, by far the most perplexing characteristic in the universe is Entropy. At the very foundations of the universe time can go both forwards and backwards. Energy can become matter and matter can turn back into energy. This is certainly not the way we perceive the world on a daily basis. Somehow, only larger entities seem to be getting older, to develop “time afflictions”. Time is forbidden to flow in reverse, the law of entropy is forcing everything into one direction only, towards what we perceive as the future.

The exhibit Excerpts from the Book of Entropy is an esthetic reminder of this law. In the slow decay that affects everything I try to transcend physical matter or the laws of nature, to find deeper meaning in what I see and photograph. Through the act of capturing my subjects photographically, I attempt to slow the implacability of fate drawn by the hands of entropy and save them from the ravages of time. The harmony can be restored in the end if we establish a new kind of orbit for our own thoughts and sensibilities.

Eugen-Florin Zamfirescu



  • TeodoraART Gallery
  • contact@teodoraartgallery.com or efz@eugenflorinzamfirescu.com


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