RBNS, WOS and AREC invite you to celebrate
The International Women’s Day
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Emperor Restaurant (link)
9-9019 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill (Bayview & 16th Ave.)
10 Course Dinner and Dance
Music with “Special Sounds Entertainment Disc Jockey Service”
- Adult – $60.00
- Child – $50.00
- http://www.rbn-society.com/rbns-calendar/events-organized-by-rbns/buy-event-tickets.html
- http://femeidesucces.yolasite.com/evenimente-2014.php
- Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) – http://www.arec.ca
- Femei de Succes / Women of Success (WOS) – http://femeidesucces.yolasite.com
- Romanian Business Networking Society (RBNS) – http://www.rbn-society.com
- Facebook event – https://www.facebook.com/events/1408295822753767