Sunday 15 Party @ 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall, Oakville | DEC 15

Va asteptam iarasi, cu mic si mare, dar mai ales cu acelasi chef la Sunday 15, Petrecerea Romanilor la 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville Ontario!

Va asteptam iarasi, cu mic si mare, dar mai ales cu acelasi chef la Petrecerea Romanilor la 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville Ontario!

Sunday 15 Romanian Party
Sunday, December15, 2013

The 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall
475 North Service Road East, Oakville


  • $25 Cash – meniu platit in avans
  • Cash bar


Aceasta e o “petrecere-traditie” intre prieteni si prieteni de prieteni. Nu sântem bussiness si nu facem nici un fel de profit personal, totul e bazat pe voluntariat, deci nu asteptati “hi class customer service”. Incepem la 15:00 pe la 16:30 se stringe masa si incepe dansul. In trecut lumea a plecat in jur de ora 21:00.

Sunday 15 – Inspired by common weekend gatherings for coffee in Oakville, there was an idea to create a tradition for those who would like to make more Romanian friends: let’s meet up every time the 15th falls on a Sunday for a Romanian style party. Why Sunday and not Saturday? Most Romanian parties take place on Saturdays, therefore in order to not exclude anyone, we chose to hold our events on Sundays at 3:00 pm.


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