Distinguished Madam/Sir,
We invite you to join us for our second event of the Romanian Students Association at Carleton University, to be held on Friday, October 4th, 2013, at 6.00PM, at the Romanian Embassy to Canada.
Due to the nature of this location, valid IDs are mandatory, as is checking-in your personal phone or tablet at the entry, for the duration of your participation to the event.
Embassy of Romania to Canada
655 Rideau Street, Ottawa
We gladly await you to join us and we would be most delighted and honored to meet you, share our plans with you, and explore possible future collaborations.
We will have the honor and opportunity to meet the new Romanian Ambassador to Canada, her Excellency Maria Ligor, who will address us all.
Her Excellency recently started her diplomatic activity at the Romanian Embassy to Canada, and we are happy to have her here and be her guests.
We await your joining us in welcoming her to Ottawa and Canada.
Attending the event will be five dear and special guests of ours:
- Dr. Crina Viju, Assistant Professor in the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, at Carleton University;
- Adrian Munteanu, P.Eng., Section Chair of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering;
- Sorin Claudiu Vaduva, Ottawa area Real Estate Agent and specialist in Rent to Own joint venture deals, Capital Homes Realty;
- Ana Gherasim, professional photographer, dance instructor at Azucar! Latin Dance Company, and an active member of the artistic community in Ottawa;
- Jeff Huang, him too a professional photographer, dance instructor at Azucar! Latin Dance Company, and an active member of the artistic community in Ottawa;
- Dr. Viju, Mr. Munteanu and Mr. Vaduva will tell us about their personal and professional journeys, we hope they will also share some of their life experiences and what living and working in Canada was like for them. We are also expecting some heartfelt advice for the current student crop.
- Ana and Jeff will organize a small exhibition of their work for your admiration and enjoyment.
We kindly encourage you to share this message with all those that you feel might resonate to our initiative, regardless of their passport’s issuing country.
Nota bene
- This event has a guest limit of approximately 30-40 people.
- We kindly ask that you express your intention to participate by filling in the form at the following link provided below:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dENYbGRtaVFKWEowYXhhQkZiOFhQQmc6MA
Enthusiastically and dearly,
The RSA CarletonU Team