Rosia Montana’s Day @ Beit Zatoun, Toronto | Feb 16

Canada Save Rosia presents an evening celebrating Rosia Montana’s 1883rd anniversary with the screening of “New El Dorado – The curse of Rosia Montana” documentary by Tibor Koci, Romanian jazz and cake!

Canada Save Rosia presents an evening celebrating Rosia Montana’s 1883rd anniversary and the 15 years of successful resistance to the largest and most destructive cyanide gold mining project in Europe, with the screening of “New El Dorado – The curse of Rosia Montana” documentary by Tibor Koci, Romanian jazz and cake!

Rosia Montana: 1883 Years of Existence – 15 years of Resistance
Sunday, February 16, 2014 from 4pm until 7pm

Beit Zatoun
612 Markham St, Toronto (Bloor and Bathurst)

There is a wonderful village in Romania: Roşia Montană. There are several hundred-year-old houses, and there are people who stick to their land, houses, churches and the mortal remains of their fathers.
The surrounding mountains hide 300 tons of gold and silver. Roşia Montană Gold Corporation, a Canadian-Romanian company wants to open a new open-cast gold mine here. They promise state-of-the-art technology and offer locals to be moved into new, modern homes, while their houses would be destroyed. There would be gold. There would be silver. There would be a new Eldorado. But there would also be an 800-hectare cyanide containing tailing pond, with a 180-meter-high dam. Only this beautiful village, Roşia Montană and the surrounding mountains would disappear from the face of the Earth.

New Eldorado Documentary, 2004, 76 mins. Producer, director, cinematographer: Tibor Kocsis. Produced by: Flora Film International. Trailer: Watch:



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