Koolture Tricolore & Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Quebec invite you to the most beautiful event of the Fall: CITROUILLE EN FÊTE – PUMPKIN FEST, a reason to meet those who like the color orange, pumpkin dishes and spending quality time with their families, in Parc Angrignon on October 18.
Citrouille nn Fête – Pumpkin Fest
Saturday, 18 October, 2014 from 2 PM to 7 PM
Parc Angrignon – Grand Stationnement adjacent au boulevard de La Vérendrye
3400 Boulevard Trinitarian, Montréal
- $15 Pumpkin Adult
- $5 Pumpkin Kid (7-14 years old)
- FREE – Pumpkin Baby (under 7 years old)
- FREE – Pumpkin Chef (Contest application below)
- Please purchase tickets online: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/citrouille-en-fete-pumpkin-fest-tickets-13121754521
What to expect
- DRESS CODE: Orange color
- ARTISANS: our hand makers will be waiting for you with some of their works. If you are an artist and want to participate in our event, contact us asap: koolturetricolore@gmail.com
- OTHER ACTIVITIES: face painting, family games, contests and raffles.
- WORKSHOP FOR KIDS: Slavic traditional handmade dolls, by Svetlana Koshakareva ($5 per kid)
- Facebook event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1508818036032087/
CONTEST: Best Pumpkin Chef
- If you like cooking, if you like pumpkin or even if you don’t like it, cook something special and bring it to our event!
- Bring your favorite pumpkin dish and participate in the “Best pumpkin chef”contest. It can be a smoothie, pasta, rolls or cake. Choose something you like and know that it’s the best of your pumpkin recipes. The NR 1 Chef will get a handmade IA (a traditional handmade Romanian blouse)
- PLEASE, FILL OUT THE PARTICIPATION FORM: http://goo.gl/forms/jdR72cF0cr
CONTEST: The Most Beautifully Decorated Pumpkin
- Spend sometime with your kid. Chose a design, do your best to have the most beautiful pumpkin. Decorate and bring it with you.
- PLEASE, FILL OUT THE PARTICIPATION FORM: http://goo.gl/forms/xtSr4yo1pD
- Metro/ Station Angrignon. Free parking is available at the entrance of the park
- You can bring your BBQ, your favorite food, Cash, Picnic chairs, Plaids, Your favorite family games
- You have to bring your printed ticket to the event.
- There will be cash only tickets for sale at the event, but for a better organisation of our event, we kindly ask you to buy your tickets online.
- If it rains, the event will be moved one week later, on 25th of October. You’ll get notified by mail 1 day before the event by mail and on our FB page.
Koolture Tricolore
- Koolture Tricolore is a tribe of soulful moldovans, established in Montreal.We believe in the power of our roots and we want to spread the all around. Our events are always very colourful and full of joy. Come and taste Moldovan hospitality and traditions.
- koolturetricolore@gmail.com
- https://www.facebook.com/koolture.tricolore
Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Quebec (CMQ)
- CMQ is the community of Moldovans from Quebec
- Comunitatatea Moldovenilor din Québec (CMQ) este o organizaţie nonprofit şi de interes obştesc creată cu scopul de a susţine comunitatea cetăţenilor Republicii Moldova imigraţi în Canada, provincia Québec.
- Este o organizaţie dedicată promovării intereselor membrilor comunităţii şi unor mai strânse legături politice, economice şi sociale între Canada si Republica Moldova.
- comunitatea.quebec@yahoo.ca
- http://www.moldovaquebec.ca/
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Comunitatea-Moldovenilor-din-Quebec/112348515451525