Pianistul Lucian Ban, împreună cu renumitul contrabasist de jazz John Hébert, îşi asumă moştenirea muzicală a lui George Enescu într-o reimaginare contemporană, îndrăzneaţă, a câtorva dintre lucrările sale, pentru o trupă extraordinară şi iconoclastă de muzicieni de jazz din New York.
More than a century after Romanian composer George Enesco was first introduced to American audiences, Transylvanian expat jazz pianist Lucian Ban, together with renowned jazz bassist John Hebert, takes on Enesco’s music legacy in this daring contemporary jazz re-imagination of some of his unique works for a stunning group of New York jazz iconoclasts. Working at the edge of classical, jazz, downtown improv and contemporary music, the ensemble re-orchestrates and re-interprets scores from George Enesco’s impressive body of work – from the famous 3rd Sonata for Violin & Piano in Romanian Folk Character to the unfinished4th Symphony to the various chamber pieces and the larger orchestral works of this amazing 20thcentury Romanian composer.
Romanian expat pianist Lucian Ban and bassist John Hebert underscore just how borderless jazz has become today with their impressive multi-national band here featuring top-notch jazz talents from the US, Europe and South Asia.
Mixing up classical elegance, with dirty Downtown skronk against pulsing Indian rhythms and inspired by the music of 20th century classical genius and fellow countryman GEORGE ENESCU this octet features an A- list band with tenorist Tony Malaby, trumpeter Ralph Alessi, avant-garde viola player Mat Maneri violinist Joyce Hammann, contemporary master drummer Gerald Cleaver and tabla drummer/singer Badal Roy, in a dazzling mix of sounds. More details at http://www.cbc.ca/glenngould/2012/01/lucian-ban-and-john-hebert-enesco-re-imagined.html
Friday, February 17, 2012 at 7:30pm
Glenn Gould Studio (CBC Building)
250 Front Street West, Toronto
Enesco Re-Imagined: Lucian Ban & John Hebert
Joyce Hammann violin
Mat Maneri viola
Ralph Alessi trumpet
Tony Malaby tenor saxophone
Lucian Ban piano and orchestration
John Hebert bass and orchestration
Gerald Cleaver drums
Badal Roy tabla / percussion
Opener: Peripheral Vision
Trevor Hogg tenor saxophone
Don Scott guitar
Michael Herring bass
Nick Fraser drums
$20 Online, $5 Student
Buy tickets online from the Glenn Gould Studio and Roy Thompson Website
Email tickets@jazzcentre.ca
The life and music of the prodigiously talented Romanian violinist, composer and conductor, George Enesco has been well-preserved and generously honored—not simply by the cognoscenti, but by the appreciative audiences of Romania’s George Enesco Festival, that was set up to propagate the music of the composer beyond its preservation in the museum that bears his name in Bucharest. This ingenious album of some of his best-loved work, by another extremely talented Romanian-born pianist and composer, Lucian Ban, is hardly surprising, then. Recorded at the biennial George Enesco Festival in 2009, and cleverly titled Enesco Re-Imagined, it is a spectacular, dreamy affair, rooted, no doubt, in the celebrated musical reality of the celebrated 19th/20th Century composer. For full review see “Enesco Re-Imagined (2010)” at http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=38197
One of the most creative new musicians on the New York City scene, Lucian Ban is a Transylvanian pianist and composer whose collaborations with fellow NYC jazzers continue to produce a burgeoning collection of original music. For full article see “Pianist Lucian Ban Interviewed at AAJ” at http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=16047 or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucian_Ban or http://www.lucianban.com
Peripheral Vision is one of the most exciting and innovative jazz quartets to have recently appeared on the international jazz scene. More details at http://peripheralvisionmusic.com/
The Jazz Performance and Education Centre (JPEC) is a registered charity dedicated to the preservation and development of jazz in Canada. More details at http://jpec.ca
The Romanian Cultural Institute (RCI) is a public body that promotes interest in Romanian culture abroad through programs and active cultural dialogue. RCI seeks to establish cooperation and sustainable relations with cultural entities in other countries, while presenting compelling Romanian culture to wide international audiences. More details at http://www.icr.ro/
The Glenn Gould Studio is a public concert hall and recording studio with excellent acoustics. Located in the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, the studio was opened in 1992 and was designed for the recording and broadcasting of classical music and other radio programming. It was named after the famous Canadian pianist and its lobby houses a permanent Glenn Gould display, which includes his beloved Chickering piano. The studio’s proportions are based on the classic “shoebox” concert halls, such as the Musikverein in Vienna. The interior design, with its use of regal colours–purple, blue, greens and reds–and its interesting niches also echo those of the great concert halls of Europe. These niches play a role in improving the acoustics of the halls. More details at http://www.cbc.ca/glenngould/ or http://www.roythomson.com/