We offer a complete range of travel services / va oferim o gama completa de servicii de turism:
- air tickets to and from anywhere in the world (specialized in travel from Canada to Europe) / bilete de avion catre si din orice destinatie din lume
- vacation packages to the Caribbean (e.g. Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico) / pachete de vacanta
- travel insurance for traveling abroad or for passengers coming to Canada / asigurari de calatorie
- hotel and car rental arrangements at your destination / rezervari de hotel si inchiriere de masina
Please note that our services include free consultation and advice from planning to the completion / Serviciile noastre includ consultatie gratuita si sfaturi utile de la planificare pana la incheierea calatoriei dumneavoastra.
- Raluca Sebu
- raluca@airflightcanada.com
- www.airflightcanada.com
- Telephone: 416 493 6143
- Fax: 416 493 8429
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. #109, Toronto, M2H 3B4